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Get the Stream Key on Tik Tok in 2024

Tik Tok has become one of the most visited social networks on a daily basis in the world, since its arrival it has grown rapidly, standing out for its short videos and choreographies. Do you have an account with followers and want to stream? We explain how you can do it professionally and get the stream key on Tik Tok.

If you are new to TikTok, you will surely have many questions about how to stream, since the platform only allows you to share videos with a short period of time. However, this service has some options to be able to stream games professionally such as OBS Studio and Streamlabs. 

But to do it, you need get TikTok stream key, a key that will allow you to broadcast live without limitations. Of course, you must have all the requirements requested by the app to perform direct. 

What is the Stream Key on TikTok? 

The Tik Tok stream key is the most valuable code to be able to stream live from the computer to the Tik Tok account. This is required by the application, in order to grant permissions to make live broadcasts. To do this, all you have to do is choose which platform you are going to stream on. 

This key works in a similar way to the keys of Twitch or Youtube, with the only difference that those of these platforms are free and can be obtained easily. On the other hand, get the Tik Tok stream key it may seem like a challenge, because it seems that these keys are as scarce as if they were gold.

what is the stream key in tik tok

Why is the Stream Key so important? 

If you are starting as a content creator on TikTok, you should know that getting the Tik Tok stream key is essential to be able to grow within the application and reach more followers. TikTok Lives stands out for helping influencers to reach thousands of people immediately, unlike YouTube or Twitch.

But that's not all, by allowing transmission from the computer a higher video quality is achieved, giving a professional touch to your transmissions. Also, you can add different creative accessories to give it an aesthetic that suits what you are looking for.

It is made up of a string of numbers and letters in random order, which contains all the information about your TikTok account on the streaming platform. You just have to enter the key in OBS or Streamlabs and you will start broadcasting live. 

Requirements to broadcast live on TikTok 

Tik Tok content creators must have certain requirements to be able to carry out live transmissions. These are essential to be able to get a stream key on TikTok quickly and easily. Without further ado, here is a list of the requirements:

  • come of age 
  • Be located in the United States
  • have more than 1,000 followers on the social network 

It should be noted that TikTok It does not show these requirements anywhere, being the only one to have 1,000 followers. But, the app does not provide a TikTok stream key to all content creators, so these are only the minimum requirements. 

In order to get the stream key on TikTok, you must have a professional and quite active channel. According to testimonials from some creators who have obtained the key, this review is pretty thorough and it is done manually, so you must wait to be approved by the Tik Tok moderators.

How to get the stream key in Tik Tok?

If what you are looking for is to configure your streams on your PC with OBS Studio or Streamlabs to broadcast on TikTok, here we will explain how you can get stream key for tiktok. Currently, this process has become something simple to perform on both iOS and Android. 

To start the process you must log in to your account and follow the following steps:

  • Open the Tik Tok app
  • Direct the camera and press at the bottom on the “+”
  • Swipe for action Live which is available after reaching 1,000 followers
  • Present on the “Start direct” button 
  • Now look for the clickable option of “Transfer to PC or Mac” press on this option and click on “Start Live”
  • A new window will open where you will find the server and the stream key
  • Copy these items and then paste them into the streaming tool you decide to use
how to get the stream key on tik tok

It is important that you do not share your TikTok stream key with anyone else, as it has information from your account and can be used by another person to start a live with your account. 

Once you enter the stream key in the transmission tool of your choice, you will not have to go through the process again when starting another stream. Well, this it is permanently saved in the program.  


Streaming on TikTok is becoming more popular every day, since its portal launched its system of videos in a few seconds, TikTok has become the direct competition of Instagram. Therefore, if you are starting out in the world of streaming, this social network can help you help position and reach many more people.

To the get the stream key on tik tok you can use any streaming tool to broadcast games or your computer screen in the best quality and in real time. Also, this will help you grow your profile and reach many more people.