Generating money without leaving home may sound like something impossible to many, however, online jobs they are only gaining ground in today's job market. If you are interested in working from the comfort of your home, join us to discover the best pages to work on the internet.
Today, online jobs can be of great help for people with disabilities, students or just someone who is interested in make money without leaving home. Whatever the reason, it never hurts to know a little about these pages.
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List of the best pages to work online
It is true that there are various platforms to work from home, but, not all of them are equally good. In this list, we are going to see only the best pages, available worldwide and that hire workers from different sectors.
Similar to the job search pages, some of the websites that we will see in this list may vary their job offers depending on the region. For this reason, we recommend that you visit several of them before making a decision.
Remember that for all these jobs you will need a stable internet connection and in some cases, you will have to meet hours as in a normal job. Are you ready? Go for it!
Fiverr is possibly one of the pages to work on the internet more complete that we can find. This platform has hundreds of thousands of workers from all over the world, who offer their services from 5€ until 10.000€.
In the same way, finding workers for your company is extremely simple, since the search tool allows you to find several "Gigs". A Gig is a curriculum specially designed for Fiverr, in which users enter the data requested by the platform and subsequently contract its services.
One of the features that differentiates Fiverr from others online work platforms, is that we will not find jobs as such, but rather services. Thanks to this, we will not be obliged to long-term contracts, but to specific jobs that will be paid in a short time.
Regardless of your career, within the site you can find someone interested in what you do.
Freelancer In addition to being the name given to a self-employed worker, it is also one of the best pages to work on the internet. Its operation is similar to that of Fiverr, since you can hire workers or offer your services without problems.
In order to attract more public to your platform and get best jobs online, the development team partnered with different companies, such as: Amazon, Facebook, NASA, IBM, Google and Fujitsu.
Within Freelancer you can find more than 1800 categories, either to offer or request a job. If all this does not seem enough, you should also know that the payment is totally safe, since the same page is used as an intermediary. In this way, users gain reputations and new companies are more likely to hire their services.
We cannot fail to mention its mobile application, which allows accurate monitoring of the activities that the worker is carrying out. You also have the option of paying for a membership to highlight your profile, something completely optional, but with great benefits.
Are you good at writing articles and managing social networks? !Publisuites is for you! This platform is one of the few where you can find inexperienced online jobsWell, all you need is to know a little about copywriting.
Within Publisuites more than 10,000 blogs Y 618 newspapers looking for new items. When you write an article, you can publish it on the platform so that anyone interested can preview it and buy it from you.
In addition to this, specific orders can be placed if your items are good enough and attract the attention of a company.
In case your thing is not the newsrooms but the social networks, Publisuites has a space for you. The section of Influencers It is full of people with media relevance, willing to give advice to grow or directly advertise on their networks.
First, we must mention that this platform is handled almost entirely in English, so it will be necessary to have a minimum level of knowledge in the language. Overcome this barrier, we find an incredible place to work online.
Upwork It is backed by Google, Airbnb, and GoDaddy, as well as other big companies. Although it is possible to find jobs in various areas, the most requested are:
- Interface development and programming
- Graphic design
- Sales and Advertising
- Marketing
- Drafting and translations
- Administration and customer service
- Accounting and Finance
This website has been for years one of the best options for pages to work on the internet, having a high probability of being hired. From article translations to virtual assistants, you may find something here that you are good at.
We return to Spanish-speaking market with another one of those pages that are indispensable for all those who want to get a job in their native language.
The strong point of this website lies in the communication between the employer and the contracted party, as there are various alternatives for direct contact.
Registering on the web is very simple and start looking for work too, with well-organized sections to offer our services. As a special addition, we have a bot of text that will help us in case we get lost inside the page.
If you reside in Latin America, you should prioritize this option. The reason is quite simple, higher job offers and payments through a local bank. Clearly, it is not the only option, since you will be able to receive payments for Paypal or Payoneer too.
Between the pages to work on the internet, there is a highly recommended one that appears every time the subject is mentioned, Workana. This platform currently has more than 2,500,000 freelancers who are willing to get ahead.
The most striking thing that this website offers are the "Projects", being able to hire several workers together to achieve better results. This not only encourages teamwork, but allows you to use your more experienced friends as a foothold.
Contrary to others pages to work on the internet From the competition, Workana stands out for being the workers who look for the job and not the other way around. Because of this, you will be more likely to find a job that you are genuinely interested in.
If all this does not convince you to try it, you should know about the security of the payment. Workana forces the person who hires to deposit the money within the platform while the job is finished.
Once the project is finished, the person can rate your services and the website team will be in charge of sending you the money in the way you have chosen.
Our last choice for work online Spain and Latin America, is in Speedlancer, which, as its name implies, prioritizes speed.
Jobs at Speedlancer must be delivered within an average timeframe of 4 hours, this pressure being well paid over time at the end. Although this does not apply to all cases, the most common is that the delivery time is around those hours.
Of course, most job offers are in English, but it is still possible to find some in Spanish. These offers mainly cover:
- Podcast equipment
- Work team leader
- Virtual assistants team
- Marketing team
- Design and programming team
Adding the word team to several of these works is the most appropriate, since Speedlancer tries to promote the working together.
What are the best jobs online?
We have already seen the best pages to work on the internetBut what about jobs as such? It is no secret to anyone that freelancers have a point in their favor, experience.
In general, the jobs that we will find online tend to reward the experience in a better way, even if you do not have a degree. Because of this, studies take a backseat and job performance is everything.
As a result of this, there are various online jobs for students, giving them the opportunity to earn money while learning new things. Next, we will see a short list of the easiest jobs online that do not usually require advanced knowledge:
- Editor: A very simple and requested job in the pages to work on the internet. All you have to do is write articles on an interesting topic using the tools SEO.
- Translator: You may receive texts that need to be translated into Spanish or directly audios. In either case, translations are usually one of the best paid jobs in the online field.
- Virtual assistant: The work of a virtual assistant is very similar to what an office assistant does, being available to the boss when needed.
- Projects: As we mentioned in their respective section, some of the pages to work on the internet require a work team. Create your team with varied skills where everyone can bring out their strengths.
- Stock Photographer: For the creation of practically any content on the internet it is necessary to use images. Although there are many free, stock images are more sought after in the professional field.
Internet jobs are growing day by day, as technological progress forces us to cover all possible areas. Testing these pages to work on the internet, it is very likely that you can start making money from home.
It may be that at first it will cost you someone to hire your services, but, as you grow in experience, everything will improve in your professional life.
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Thank you very much for reading, keep browsing here and don't forget to leave your opinion in the comments. See ya!